I’m back again, finally, after a promise of more regular posts. I actually have something of an excuse this time, though, which might qualify as valid. (If it doesn’t, well, that’s too bad. It’s the only one I have.) I was hired to do five months of at-home work, but I had to go for ten days for training in the Washington, DC, area, with a team of seventeen others. We are doing real property asset inventory for the US Coast Guard. In effect, if we do our job and get all of the real property assets inventoried correctly on each USCG site, station, or base, then these assets can be financially assessed accurately. Then if a tornado wiped out a site entirely, these assessment records would allow for adequate budgeting for replacement of all of the facilities on the site. (If the financial office doesn’t know that the base built a new mess hall last year, it’s not going to pay to replace it.)
Training days were twelve hours long, and where the team was stationed, in guest housing on a US Coast Guard base, we had no access to the internet except in one of the rooms through a wi-fi hot-spot on one guy’s cell phone, onto which those who had brought their laptops would take turns glomming onto to check home emails and such business. Then I spent the bulk of last week getting settled again at home.

The subject of today’s blog post drew my interest, since we hear very little about Native Americans in prominent political positions. Immediately to follow is a post about Charles Curtis, one such Native American.

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