Joy in the Task

Friday, September 10, 2021 Work: An End Unto Itself As a species, we are designed for work. Without it, we wither physically, spiritually, mentally, and morally. A lack of work can literally kill us – a very slow death. Our culture, however, has trained us to consider work as –…

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Memorial Day Musings

Sunday, May 30, 2021 Some of My “Hunh?” Moments Andy Rooney used to have a segment on a weekly news commentary show on television, which he called “Did You Ever Wonder?” I never watched the show, but he did gain widespread recognition for his segments, because they did make people…

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The Life in Words and Ideas

Thursday, April 8, 2021 The Life in Words and Ideas Life gets busier all the time, doesn’t it? I’m still playing catch-up from my February overload. I’m getting there, but of course, I keep adding new projects and ideas to the list. Words and thoughts occupy me constantly – probably…

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Saturday, March 13, 2021 I’m late, I’m late … I know, I know. You’ve been waiting for this issue of N&N for weeks. Yep, I’m WAY overdue. But I have an excuse. (They are handy to cover one’s butt. Always keep a few in stock for emergencies. When in doubt,…

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Grace II

Monday, January 11, 2021 Grace In the second issue of this newsletter, I wrote a piece called “Grace,” about an old man, once a master pianist, struggling with a disconnect between his brain and his fingers on the keyboard, and the gentle encouragement of the audience at the coffeehouse willing…

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